Hello everyone!! So today, I thought we would talk about Paper towns, I went to see the film in the cinema a few weeks ago and I loved it. After a brief review I'll show you my #OOTN! I am not a film critic, these are just my thought bubbles while watching the movie put into words!
******SPOILER ALERT******

After a long time of searching and playing Inspector Clouseau they finally work out that it's all about Paper towns, small towns that map makers put in to make their map uncopiable and so they can easily tell when someone has copied it.
Also, paper towns are a real thing, we have one right here in the UK called Argleton! I'm going to visit it one day, I prooooomise!!

So, I adored the main parts of the film, I thought him unraveling all these clues to find her was the cutest, most romantic thing ever and I'd want my partner to do it for me. (except I wouldn't because I wouldn't disappear like she did) I feel like I really connected with Quentin in his search for her, he just loves her! But to me, the ending ruined the whole excitement. (Not the whole film, as I've said, I LOOOOOVE THE FILM!) Her not wanting him was such a disappointment, I'm used to films where they get together, get married, have babies and live forever after and I like those endings. However, maybe it is good that it didn't have a classic, stereotypical ending. But I can't help but wish he got the girl and I hate to say it but I think it made me dislike Margo, it seems like all those clues, that he struggled to read and spent hours depicting, all lead to nothing. She left them all for nothing, he did all that work and although he *found himself* he basically got nothing, especially, he didn't get what he wanted. It just seemed a bit sad to me. However, the friend I went with loved the ending and loved how it wasn't traditional.. maybe it's just a personal preference.
Side note: I do loove how in the end she wasn't this mysterious girl but a regular one, it really made the story seem more realistic.
I'll say it once more, I loooooved the film and would 110% watch it again and buy it on DVD when it comes out and I definitely recommend it to you if you fancy a lil romance movie one night.
Now onto my outfit!
I wore a regular pair of primark jeans which I rolled the bottoms up of, because I wish I was John Lennon, honestly. I also wore this bold af pink woolly jumper from Select.
I curled my hair regularly and applied my normal face makeup. My lipstick is probably Topshop's Wicked and my eyebrows are overgrown af because I have to grow them out to be waxed in a few weeks. No judgies please.
That is it for today, hope you enjoyed!! Thanks for reading!
Alanna xxxx